Hudson Library is so much more than just a place to get a good book.
Hudson Library

Computers: We have 2 computers with internet for public use both have printers connected.
Internet / Wifi Service

Free WiFi

We have e-books available. We can give you a library number and you can download them from South Dakota Titles-To-Go. Lots of reading entertainment either way.

Copy Machine
Copies are .10 for black and white.
.25 for colored.
Microflim Reader
We have the Hudsonite newspaper on microfilm from the 9-20-1901 to 9-19-1952. That is a lot of wonderful history to read.

Puzzles and Games
For all ages

Computers for kids without the worry of internet. These computers are loaded with games, both educational and just for fun.

We offer classes and author signings. Please watch the calendar for any upcoming ones that may interest you.

Come and let your imagination build.

Large Print Books
Circulation of 50 new books every 3 months

Story Time
We have story time every Saturday morning at 10am. Unless we are holding a class that day, then we won’t have storyhour.

Audio Books

Kids Section
Hundred and hundreds and hundreds of books for kids

Alcester-Union Hudsonite
Weekly Paper

We have a very nice selection of dvd’s for your entertainment.